

Page history last edited by Jordan Rose 15 years, 4 months ago


Conferences, Symposia, Workshops ... 


To add a conference or syposium to the FUSE database, contact the FUSE Administrator with the following: Date, Title, Location, Description and Agenda/Calendar.







DATE: July 20 -24, 2009

TITLE: MBBM - Creating Case Based Curriculum at the Intersection of Biology and Mathematics

LOC: Emory University.

DESCRIPTION: This is the first of two planned workshops. The second will be hosted by University of Delaware in 2010. The workshop will build on two prior HHMI-sponsored Quantitative Biology meetings; one in 2007 at ETSU (here) and in 2008 at HHMI (here).


Link to information concerning...  Invasive Species Case Studies and Information

Link to Case Studies on Invasive Species...Invasive Species Cases for MBBM Workshop EmUnivJuly, 09

Section with Tools, Resources, and other problem solving helpers....Tools and Resources for Math and Biology Workshop

PBL Resources are found in the folder MBBM  PBL  Resources

Syllabi can be found in the folder BioMathMathBio Syllabi or on the Tools and Resources page above






DATE: July  21-24, 2008

TITLE: Quantitative Biology II

LOC: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

DESCRIPTION: This workshop will bring together mathematics and biology educators who have developed or wish to develop curricular materials or courses that integrate biological examples into mathematics courses and integrate mathematical and quantitative skills into biology. 

AGENDA, DOWNLOADS .etc:  (here)



DATE: October 23-24, 2008

TITLE: Evolution Revolution :  science changing life

LOC: Emory University

DESCRIPTION:  The symposium will explore the future of evolution as a theory and a process and the potential of recent research to transform our lives. With some of the world’s leading scientists, the symposium will explore how our evolutionary inheritance affects our emotions, values, and mental makeup; how the interaction between genes and environment influences our health; and how research into the origins of life is providing new knowledge and tools to “engineer” evolutionary processes to the point of enhancing existing life forms and possibly creating new ones.

This symposium anticipates the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin on February 12, 2009 and the 150th anniversary in 2009 of the publication of the first edition of On the Origin of Species.

AGENDA, DOWNLOADS .etc: (here)



DATE: October 23, 2008          

TITLE: Evolution Revolution : High School Teacher Workshop

LOC: Emory Center for Science Education

DESCRIPTION: In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species in 2009, the Emory College Center for Science Education brings you this exciting opportunity to join other educators to discuss the challenges and best practices of teaching evolution in high school classrooms. Through plenary discussions, hands-on exercises, and sharing of existing resources, participants will: 

  • discover active learning strategies to teach evolutionary concepts in biology and chemistry courses
  • explore common student misconceptions and other challenges to teaching evolution
  • investigate human and primate evolution, the chemical origins of life, and examples of evolution in action
  • discuss the Creationism/Intelligent Design/evolution debate

AGENDA, DOWNLOADS, etc. (here)






DATE: July 18-20, 2007

TITLE: Quantitative Biology Curriculum Planning Workshop (HHMI)

LOC: East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee (http://www.etsu.edu/facts/region.asp)

DESCRIPTION: This workshop will bring together mathematics and biology educators who have developed or wish to develop quantitative biology curricula (more).

AGENDA, DOWNLOADS .etc: (here)



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