
Biology Mathematics Collaborations

Page history last edited by Bryan Schomaker 16 years, 5 months ago

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Bio 2010

Recommends that concepts and techniques from mathematics and computational sciences be included in all bioscience courses.

Links to executive summary, podcasts and additional reports and resources.


Life Sciences Calculus

Two course series (Calculus Probability and Statistics) created by Dwight Duffus at Emory University.

Mathematical, computational and statistical methods are of ever-growing importance in the life sciences. We introduce the basic quantitative tools required in modern life science research, adhering to the recommendations of BIO 2010 [NRC] and Math & Bio 2010 [MAA]. Courses emphasize modeling change in biological systems via discrete dynamics, continuous differential equations, and stochastic processes, and organizing and analyzing data in information-intensive application areas such as molecular evolution and genetics


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